Termakbul Doaku Alhamdulillah

4:47 AM


Praised be to Allah ( Alhamdulillah) . 
Because of You, my new result for my disease 
well, thanks a lot mum cause you already
pray me many times once your shalaat. Not to forget for all my FRIENDS.
Thank you for wishing and praying for me. I don't know how to reply your

Now, I just learnt about myself since I was childhood. I do many mistake to others.
I know I am only an ordinary person. I can't make everyone happy as others.
I will promise to myself that I'll never do all mistake again. Insyaallah.
Sorry Ma and Bah.

I always pray for my mother . I hope she will get the happiness in this world. 
Her effort is so much to me. I don;t know how to count it. That is Mother.

What I learnt is everyone has their PROS AND CONS

tata. wassalam

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