Buffet Hi Tea at Promenade Hotel
3:54 AMAssalamualaikum.
. Today is Saturday. My mother has a plan to have a buffet lunch at Promenade Hotel, which is located at the city.
My mother invites me to go along with her. The payment for each person is RM 55.00. So, totally for us are RM 116.00. Many types of food that i see at the hotel. My mother asks me to eat all of the food. Besides, she wants me have an experience in having buffet at the hotel.
Picture1: i eat all of these food above....
Hahaha..Kenyang perut wei, makan kek la, dessert la, mee la, nasi ayam la.
macam mau pecah je perut ni lps makan..hahahahaa
that's all from me..tata
. Today is Saturday. My mother has a plan to have a buffet lunch at Promenade Hotel, which is located at the city.
My mother invites me to go along with her. The payment for each person is RM 55.00. So, totally for us are RM 116.00. Many types of food that i see at the hotel. My mother asks me to eat all of the food. Besides, she wants me have an experience in having buffet at the hotel.
Hahaha..Kenyang perut wei, makan kek la, dessert la, mee la, nasi ayam la.
macam mau pecah je perut ni lps makan..hahahahaa
that's all from me..tata
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