It was been so long I did not update my dear blogger. Recently, I full busied of my online business .
Oh, you guys want to know my update SPM result, right? . Ok. Alhamdulillah, thanks Allah . I got 6A +
2A 1B+ . Hehe. Do you see there? . I was one of my schoolmate who didn't straight's A in my spm. My B+ is English. Honestly, it was so sad for me as I could not achieve my target. By the way, Allah had planned the best for me later.
Direct to the main point. As my friends informed that Universiti Malaya had announcement of their interview.
Then, I checked my name was in the short list . The venue was held at Grand Borneo Hotel,One Borneo, Sabah and on saturday exactly.
The day before interview. My friend, Aini reminded me to prepare all the important document and academic certificates. So, compiling all of these in one file including the resume was one of my preparation. Oh ya, my brother said sometimes that the interviewers also see us based on how we arrange our document. Here are some sequences starting of
- our personal document
- parents' document
- resume
- surat berhenti skolah menengah
- certificates
- surat berhenti sekolah rendah
About our personal attire also important in interview. Basically, we should wear something " sopan " and " smart " such as baju kurung and dark shoes. It is better for you to iron all your attire to show your attire courtesy .
Now, the day of interview had came. Honestly, my vein was feeling of nervous though my face showed impressive. Heart pumped so fast . After registering, my name in first group's list. These made me goose bumped exactly. But , I was happy my schoolmate , Clarice was same group with me. I could say Smeshians are everywhere ahahaha. Then, we introduced with other members as well.
Stepping on the interview's room while saying " rabbi yaasir wala tuassir". Bismillahirrahmanirrahim , said in my deepest heart. We sit on one line in front of the judger. They started by introducing themselves. Mostly, they were lecturers and one of them was a professor. The common question was being asked " tell about yourself and the most outstanding achievement" . One by one of us answer perfectly in 30 seconds each . When it came my turn, my answer was going well as the content already set up in my mind. Then , they gave one stimulus question " if you are giving a super power, what it will be? and give the reasons. You are advised to discuss in your group in 5 minutes" . So, we were discussing on the topic given . Our discussion also was being judged by the interviewers. 5 minutes later, we presented the topic given one by one. I chose " water" because I wanted to relate with the current issue , BLA BLA.......
In manner of time, the professor asked me : why you are related this issue as you are at Sabah? . Here, no shortage of water , right? . So, I answered perfectly ......bla...bla ...must concern about there .....to show our cooperation.....bla...bla....... I mentioned that I was from Johor. Then , he added a question to me about agreement between Malaysia and Singapore. Deep ! . Ok agreement. My opinion is simple .....bla bla......
the last question and I was only one being asked " why do you choose UM in forth choice? '' . Seriously, these kind of question was difficult to search exactly answer. But, truth to be told just saying in fact that I see.
hahahaha. The last session is Q& A .
end up well. Alhamdulillah.

Even though my speaking a little bit of broken haha but I thought it's good for us to increase our confidence level through this interview.
My advised :
1. Do your preparation before the interview. Including the attire, documents.
2. It is good for you to start reading English article or other else. It give you benefit to increase up you vocabulary exactly.
3. Do practise your speaking in English. It will suit you to speaking fluently sooner
4. Be confident with your answer and smile toward the judger.
5. Don't forget to solat hajat and pray. " rabbi yaasir wala tuassir" and salawat.
That's all from me.
p/s: si tiqo mo interframe. hahahaha. ngam2 haritu jumpa tiqo mo bagi tudung yang dibeli hehe.